Welcome to my blog, at the moment I'm on my AS Media Studies course. This blog is designed to contain a record of all the research and planning, leading up to the production of our slasher film (tentatively entitled 'Red Christmas'...)

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Evaluation Q4 Audiences

Our primary target audience is expected to be teens, long the main viewer of slasher films. To reflect this, most slasher films feature young characters, with adults relegated to a secondary or peripheral role and often portrayed as ineffective in dealing with the threat presented by the killer. Adults are usually parents of the main teens or else local cops (or sometimes both! eg Halloween). Because of this, it is expected that our film will have less of an appeal among older age groups. Either 15 or 18 is the usual rating for slashers due to the high amount of explicit content that makes these films popular with the teenage audience in the first place.

Our secondary target audience is expected to be younger adults, usually 18-25 years. Although our film is not specifically aimed at this audience, unlike the one above, it still can prove popular in this age range due to the levels of both horror and suspense.

The slasher has consistently done very well at the box office, and this is largely because of the 'shock factor' that these films can offer. Despite the often very low budget of some slashers, these have often gone on to be extremely successful; Halloween for example was made on a budget of around $500k. Another factor that does not usually affect slashers is that of stars; many slasher films have used unknown actors that have only subsequently gone on to achieve fame. So our own cheaply made film is following in these footsteps.

1 comment:

  1. James - you can share video resources so long as you re-edit to make distinctively your own, but you CANNOT share text Eval answers like this
