Welcome to my blog, at the moment I'm on my AS Media Studies course. This blog is designed to contain a record of all the research and planning, leading up to the production of our slasher film (tentatively entitled 'Red Christmas'...)

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Evaluation Q5 Attraction/Addression

On the whole, we tried to attract our audience by sticking to the established conventions and stereotypes of the slasher genre. We used recognisable characters such as the scream queen, final girl (an example of Carole Clover's feminist critique and a common slasher feature), and the concept of a masked killer. Our cast was mostly female; this not only attracts a female audience but also a male one if you apply Laura Mulvey's Male Gaze theory.

We also tried to address our audience through our characters; they're all examples of teenagers and as such would be fairly easily identifiable to our target audience, who would likely be made up of people who act similarly.

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