Welcome to my blog, at the moment I'm on my AS Media Studies course. This blog is designed to contain a record of all the research and planning, leading up to the production of our slasher film (tentatively entitled 'Red Christmas'...)

Saturday, 11 May 2013

Evaluation Q2 Representations

In our film, the entire cast is made up of teenagers/young adults, so it can be seen already the very specific target audience we had in mind. Our characters are portrayed as a normative group, with a common age range (16-17), and manner of dress; notably they are all stereotypically feminine, with long hair, makeup and fashionable clothing. They are all also not specifically portrayed as being part of a particular social clique or other group, and we would expect the average teen audience to be able to relate to them. The girls are carol singers in our film, so there are connotations of naivety and both the characters accents and location would suggest a middle-class setting. However, in a twist from the normal slasher film patterns, it is the character who would normally be expected to survive the film, being fairly conservatively dressed, who is the killer's first victim - an example of a countertype.

We have not gone out of our way to try and represent any form of regional or cultural identity. Although our cast is made up of people from the local Yorkshire area, we consciously didn't make this obvious. Too much emphasis on this could have alienated viewers from different areas, and part of the popularity of the slasher genre is that the main characters could be from anywhere. It's also far more common that the location of slasher films is a small town or leafy suburbia, rather than a well-know city, so again our film reinforces these views.

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